The Next Mini Modular Is Here - The Daily Bugle!

I'd had loads of requests to design this particular modular building in mini modular form - the Daily Bugle!

I could see straight away the challenges were going to be the height, the many many windows, the smashed window effect on the third floor and the thin aspect of the upper two floors.

I think I did a good job on each of these.  The ratio seemed ok with two vertical build sections for each floor for the overall height of the building.  I was thinking through the smashed window effect and my 9 year old son suddenly said why don't I use ball joint pieces - I went for it and think it worked a treat!

With most of my other buildings, I've kept with the 1x1 brick with headlight and vertical 1x2 plate build approach which works well when you've got a good width of building and was ok on the bottom two floors.  But with the upper two floors having only a 3 stud width, I had to connect the two sides inside the building itself to keep it well built.  This meant the instructions were a lot more challenging to build in the Lego Studio software - quite intricate!

Here are some images of my Mini Modular Daily Bugle.


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