The Lego Ninjago Mini Modular series begins! With the Ninjago City Gardens

Well - not sure where to start with this one but, wow, what a challenge to take on!!

Gone is the uniformity and simple-ish shapes of the standard modular buildings from Lego - the Ninjago City sets reveal such detailed and intricate approaches and also heights!  This is a huge set.  The colours are also fantastic.

It was so much fun trying to re-create this one at such a small scale but still keep it really recognisable and with all the fine details - the water, the trees, the temple on the left hand side and all the different unusual shapes.

I did get to re-use some of my design techniques from the standard modulars such as the yellow angled wall near the top - some clever connections behind that!

You can get the instructions to this model here on Rebrickable instructions

Enjoy the images of the Mini Modular Ninjago City Gardens


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